Prophet Solomon Akinkunmi Ajao of the Christ Apostolic Church, Warriors for Christ Mission , Lagos has said that Nigeria is not moving forward because of the deceitful attitude of both spiritual and political leaders who have failed in their duties to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the people who put so much trust in them.
He said despite the trust of the people and the high expectations from these leaders to deliver both politically and spiritually, they kept deceiving the people and running after wealth.
He said that the love for material things by these leaders made them not to bother about the welfare of their congregations and the masses that elected them to serve.
According to Prophet Ajao, the attitudes of these political and spiritual leaders give room for the high level of poverty which Nigerians are currently passing through .
He said that God revealed to him that He would punish politicians and spiritual leaders who are not doing His will but busy pursuing money.
Ajao pointed out that God specifically told him that He would put clergymen who walks in their own ways rather than toeing the real way of God into shame while they would also receive His wrath.
He said that the journey for Nigeria to get out of the woods is still far if the leaders failed to mend their ways because according to him, they are using their evil ways to mislead the people put in their care .
He said these leaders have turned Nigeria to a money – making venture and they are looting the treasury with impunity, “but God said He will deal with them and their families because they have put Nigeria in a terrible mess”.
These leaders he opined are being controlled by the devil and assured that they would pay dearly for it.
According to him, God said “they have turned Nigeria to Sodom and Gommara by engaging in all sorts of immorality, kidnapping using human beings for rituals and looting”
He said Buhari has been doing his best within the circumstance he found himself and Nigeria, but that he is not the Messiah that would take Nigeria out of the woods as Nigerians are now in bondage like the children of Israel.
He further said that the best is yet to come for Nigerians, saying that if the people refused to change their ways, the man that would come to rule Nigeria after Buhari would show no sympathy to the people.
He however said that the only way out of the present mess is for the leaders to organise a three – day National prayer to be observed by both the Muslims and the Christians.
He said anyone, who in one way or the other, is found to have been indicted for any form of corrupt practices should be banned from holding any public office, until he or she is finally cleared of the corruption allegation.