The Integrated Systems and Devices Limited (ISDL) has restated its commitment to investing in technology development for improved service delivery.
The Managing Director, ISDL, Oluseun Mabogunje, said ISDL would continue to innovate, develop and adapt homegrown solutions best suited for its environment and its peculiarities.
Mabogunje at its 30th anniversary and ISO 9001:2015 presentation ceremony, said: “We will promote and facilitate the use of technology to solve everyday problems. We will continue to keep our customers happy.”
He added that the pace of changes in technology is accelerating at the speed of light, stressing that artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D Printing, Cyber Security and 5G and many others are here to stay.
“Each one of these new technologies is a revolution in itself and yet they are all coming to us at the same time. The world is accelerating at a very unprecedented pace and no one can predict what the journey will be like.
“But what is certain is that we are all going to be impacted one way or the other at home, in the workplace, in entertainment and leisure, in moving around and in practically every aspect of our lives. Also certain is the fact that these will all come with their application and security challenges,” he stressed.
He said ISDL is looking at the future and the next 30 years with optimism.
“We intend to continue to ride the wave of technology particularly in our chosen field of security. We will continuously train our staff and expose them to developments in our areas of interest and beyond. We will search and establish strong partnerships with companies using new technologies to provide solutions appropriate for our country and region,” he added.
He noted that over the last two years, the ISDL team worked very hard to achieve the certification while at the same time ensuring that there is no gap in the delivery of its services to its client even at the height of the Covid-19 lockdown.
“It was a very challenging period and forced us all to rethink the way we provide our services, our processes, the importance of communication and feedback with all our stakeholders, the many advantages of proper documentation and a host of other realisations that have made the exercise and the attainment of the certificate well worth it,” he added.