March 10, 2025
A human rights activist, Lucky Lackson has frowned on the recent mail which was alledged to have emanated from the MD of PepsiCo Nigeria, where he said “one company will flourish, one will diminish, another will finish. B-brand model of business will either become a temptation for anyone who has a bit money to start own brand in Nigeria, or a curse that ensures no one take such decision again.”
He said “…anyone who has a bit of money…”, how disdainful of Nigeria could anyone be? You believe Nigerians are not worthy of jumping into a deep end of serious business, and when they do, must be attacked vehemently by any means necessary to give way for the supposed big boys, the international brands who are only to make money and repatriate funds because PepsiCo is no longer listed in the Nigeria Stock Market since 2018.
” No wonder he could say, he would make it a curse for any Nigerian who dares to succeed in his home land? How racially condescending can such statement and intention be?’, Lackson said.
As expected, the leaked mail has begin to generate concerns amongst Nigerians at home and in diaspora who continued to express extreme discomfort and anger over the tone the MD PepsiCo used in conveying his message to his subordinate. They described it as dangerous and not acceptable.
Speaking yesterday in Lagos during a protest organised by Concerned Nigerians, a non governmental organisation who came to register their displeasure over Pepsi MD’s comment and affirm their support for B-Brand at Seven Up Bottling Company, Motor Ways Ikeja, Lagos,  Comrade Lackson disclosed that, “the general consensus is that, the leaked mail must be seen beyond a leaked communication but a brand that is feeling threatened by its position in the market place.
The Activist asked government to investigate into the issue, because according to him, this cannot be tolerated in order climes.
 “I have been following this issue since it came to  the public domain, but my concern is why  government has not deemed it fit to call the parties involved and investigate into the matter.”
“Some of us travel abroad and we see that foreign government don’t treat issues like this with kids gloves. Therefore, policy makers in this country should not turn a deaf hear to this matter most especially, when someone is threatening that no Nigerian will succeed in a specific market”, he noted.

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