March 12, 2025

The Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN) has urged insurance pracpractitionersthe country to show professionalism in service delivery and responsibilities to the public.

According to the institute, this is in line with the industry’s plans to raise knowledge and ease in spreading the “gospel” of insurance benefits to the doorsteps of Nigerians.

As we are all aware the conscious of the demands of the dynamic business environment and the role that technology is playing in the evolution of current business trends. Consequently, there is a need to substantially adopt a creative approach to improving the skill set of insurance practitioners.

Speaking at the institute’s 2023 Ramadan Tafsir Lecture Tagged “Leadership and Followership in Nation Building: The Islamic Perspective,” in Lagos at the weekend, the President and Chairman of the council of the institute, Edwin Igbiti, expressed the commitment of the institute to raising professionals, who should display dedication, loyalty in their followership and professionalism both in the nation and in the workplace.
Igbiti, commenting on the lecture theme, said, the Tafsir is derived from the Arabic word, ‘Fasara’ which means to lift the curtain, to make clear, to show the objective, stressing that, by the analogy, Tafsir is the body of knowledge which aims to make clear the true meaning of Quran, its injunctions and the occasion of its revelations.
According to him, encourage everyone to reflect upon the wisdom and guidance that comes with the Islam faith, and the responsibility that human beings have to one another. It is also a time of deep devotion to Allah.
He, therefore, urged all here today to continue to use the Holy month of Ramadhan to stay close to Allah by seeking the forgiveness of our sins, and praying for our Country, family, and humanity in general.”
speaking also at the programme,  the guest lecturer who is also a medical consultant at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital(LASUTH), Dr. Sa’eid Ahmad, submitted that, the topic was very apt and very timely considering a lot of societal issues the world is encountering today, most especially, as we plan to swear in a new government in the country.
Ahmad said that leadership cuts across politics, religion, society, career, and family, adding that, leaders are expected to set good legacies for others to follow.
He stressed leaders must be humane and faithful, be responsible in the conventional sense and prophetic sense, while followers must express total submission and loyalty.
“To have a successful nation building, both leaders and followers must display faithfulness to whatever duty they are called upon, the ultimate panacea to nation building is for all citizens to assume their level and measure of responsibility in their various positions, locations, and circumstances,” he said.




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